(956) 216-5043


Christmas Indoor Market

Harlingen Elks Lodge 1426 S. Commerce St., Harlingen, TX, United States

Boot Scooting Concert & Dance

Harlingen Elks Lodge 1426 S. Commerce St., Harlingen, TX, United States

Brody Rivers Band at Harlingen Elks Lodge Tuesday, October 29, 2024 7-9 PM Tickets available hcatkts@gmail.com or 956-392-9757

2nd Annual Trunk-or-Treat

Harlingen Elks Lodge 1426 S. Commerce St., Harlingen, TX, United States

Keep the kids off the streets and safe! Come by play games and bring the kids to their first car show! Candy will be offered as well as small prizes for games! Costume contest as well! See you there!